Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hello, everyone! Welcome to raw scribbles...

This is where I'll share my thoughts and feelings on various matters and issues. Sometimes, I might put down a poem or two, and might even get some ideas from my friends and family. But overall, this will be like a reflection of the person that I am. Hopefully, by sharing my thoughts and feelings with you, I'll be able to make a significant impact on your lives in one way or another.

My writing is basically about simple stuff; things that anybody can relate with. Most of the time, I write about beautiful feelings and people. I'm the type of person who likes to dwell on the more positive side of things rather than complain about negative matters that threaten to ruin my day.

From time-to-time, I might also put in a short story or two. Short stories are like mirrors of life; and when I write one, they're usually inspired by people I know and admire.

So if you want something that will help make you feel good the whole day, spare a few minutes reading my thoughts and stories.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hello, everyone! Welcome to raw scribbles...

This is where I'll share my thoughts and feelings on various matters and issues. Sometimes, I might put down a poem or two, and might even get some ideas from my friends and family. But overall, this will be like a reflection of the person that I am. Hopefully, by sharing my thoughts and feelings with you, I'll be able to make a significant impact on your lives in one way or another.

My writing is basically about simple stuff; things that anybody can relate with. Most of the time, I write about beautiful feelings and people. I'm the type of person who likes to dwell on the more positive side of things rather than complain about negative matters that threaten to ruin my day.

From time-to-time, I might also put in a short story or two. Short stories are like mirrors of life; and when I write one, they're usually inspired by people I know and admire.

So if you want something that will help make you feel good the whole day, spare a few minutes reading my thoughts and stories.

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